Sunday, April 5, 2009

Best Sail Ever

Hey hey... not talking about any cruise.... talking about Friend-Ship !!

I have made loadssssss of friends... and God.. I wonder.... if there exists LIFE without friendship...

Friends- are angels when we are down; co-criminals in crime :D ; best advisers for broken heart; excellent match-makers :D :P ; and guess the best listeners ever born !!!

From jumping around to having formal dinners... from fighting for chocos to the hugs after victory... friends have always been around :)

I am sad.. I know who to call up.. I am happpy.. and again.. I know who's gonna throw the party to celebrate my happiness... Yup!! They are my Pals :)

We never make friends .. as it is not a mind game.. the knot is tied gradually.. heart connects the threads and what emerges is a beautiful relationship - we call it ' Yaara di yaari ' :)

I see friendship everywhere... I see friendship is every relationship... my mum is my sweetest pal... God is my best pal... and all my pals... are angels ( few devils too :D ) sent by God for me...

Hey friends... I'll be dre for you'll as welll :)


  1. Well, I can sense smthing's cooking... double entndre here... good 2 c u showing signs of courage... i hope u understand what i mean!!! :-)
